I am a person with lived experience with mental illness, diagnosed bipolar since I was fourteen years old, as well as a mental health professional-- as a trained social worker with a master’s degree in social work. I know firsthand how mental illness impacts individuals and our community.
Mental illness is
very common. It is estimated half of all people will develop a mental illness
in their life time. Currently 50 million people (1 in 5) have a diagnosed
mental illness in America (not to mention all those who are undiagnosed). These
mental illnesses range anywhere from depression and anxiety to serious psychiatric
conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Mental illness is biological,
genetic, environmental, and social-cultural. However, I believe if we lived in
a democratic socialist society we could see a drastic reduction in mental
illness and could even prevent it. This article is written more as a here and
now guide to coping, but we need to look at long term solutions as well.
In our society with
these mental illnesses comes a lot of stigma. Social stigma is when others
treat us as differently and as inferior due to our mental illness. This often
leads to shame and makes people not want to talk about it, seek help, nor help
others. As activists we need to fight social stigma. The best way to do that is
to talk about it. As fellow social worker and shame and resiliency researcher,
Brene’ Brown, says, “shame needs three things to grow exponentially in our
lives: secrecy, silence, and judgment.” As people with mental illness we need
to tell people our stories and help normalize it. It takes courage and bravery
to put ourselves out there, but it is necessary. As people in general we need
to educate ourselves about various mental health issues and diagnoses, so that
we can be more aware and informed. This would also help us to become
familiarized with and thus recognize symptoms in others and aid them in getting
the help they need. Also as we talk about these issues more we make it okay and
not like a dirty secret, and thus the shame and taboo nature dissipates. We all
need to become mental health advocates who combat social stigma if we want this
situation to get better.
In the radical
left, mental illness may be higher, due to stress, anxiety, being overworked,
lack of support, burnout, what type of person is drawn to the radical left etc.
A life-long commitment to social justice can be a serious undertaking and means
a literal struggle, with many sacrifices along the way, both personally and
politically speaking, which comes with psychological and emotional consequences.
Of course there are positive mental and emotional benefits of being an activist
as well, but the commitment to the movement comes with both rewards and
Furthermore, we
know capitalism creates social alienation and enormous amounts of interpersonal,
relational, and social stress on individuals and families. Not only must we
work hard, often low paying, jobs way too many hours just to survive, we have
so many other responsibilities on top of it. We often have families, partners
and children, parents, siblings, other relatives, friends, co-workers, etc. we
need to help take care of. We have to do chores, feed ourselves and others, and
run errands. Some of us barely survive on a daily basis due to being so poor,
let alone have the time, money, or energy to take care of ourselves. There is
so much to do; we often neglect our own health. Not to mention that the stress
causes huge impacts on our health to begin with—both physical and emotional.
All we can do in the immediate is try to manage the stress, by finding coping
skills and decompressing activities (long term we are all working on
transforming the material conditions of life so that this stress doesn’t occur
to begin with). The coping skills can include art, exercise, sleep/naps, socializing
with friends and family, eating a slow cooked meal, reading a book, yoga, meditation,
relaxation techniques such as progressive relaxation (tightening and releasing
muscles), deep breathing, focusing activities, taking a long walk or hike,
going swimming, among other things. But not everyone has time to incorporate
enough of these de-stressing activities. So it can be very challenging to
overcome the pressures of everyday life, let alone those of being part of an
activist movement and community.
It is important as
an activist that one takes care of oneself and that our community supports us.
Burnout is common due to folks working very hard for long periods of time. In
addition, a lot of work can be put towards our efforts but little to no tangible
results could be seen. This can lead to feeling great disappointment,
discouragement, and frustration. We have to celebrate often and recognize
people’s efforts. Appreciation of others is so important in creating
self-esteem and maintaining long term commitment. We can also stave off burnout
by taking breaks from our activism and supporting each other through hard
Moreover, sometimes our society creates a lot of anger in people, as we witness oppression, abuse, and exploitation and many who perpetuate it get away with it. Often we ourselves are subjected to trauma and crisis. They say anger repressed and turned inward becomes depression. In my own experience I have met many left radicals who have anger issues and are prone to infighting. Unchecked toxic anger, which is not expressed in effective and health ways, can poison a person as well as an organization.
So what is to be
done? One thing I advocate is therapy, but it is often cost prohibitive. If one
cannot find low cost/sliding scale/income-based therapy, I always recommend
workbooks. Workbooks are like a guide book to learning techniques that help
people with mental health issues. Workbooks can be purchased online and are
generally under $20.
Here is just one example: http://www.amazon.com/Depression-Workbook-Guide-Living-Second/dp/157224268X
They are often written by mental health professionals and teach people step by step about the condition which they may have. They also teach techniques and strategies to help increase the quality of life for folks. Some of the workbooks address topics such as depression and anxiety, and teach techniques such as cognitive-behavioral approaches (mind/feelings-actions), dialectal behavioral approaches (looking at extremes in emotions and thinking and trying to find acceptance and balance), mindfulness based approaches (combining feelings and thoughts in a harmonious way in order to act from a centered place and practicing non-judgment of self and others), among others. These strategies have been proven effective through research testing their effectiveness on people (we call this evidence-based practice). If one technique doesn't work for you, try another. There are so many to choose from. Most therapists would teach these techniques in therapy but you can learn them on your own for a fraction of the cost. Implementing them into your daily life takes work, practice, and time but it's worth the effort to try, as they have been shown effective in helping people to cope with their mental health struggles, decrease anxiety and depression, reduce stress, as well as improve the quality of their daily lives.
Here is just one example: http://www.amazon.com/Depression-Workbook-Guide-Living-Second/dp/157224268X
They are often written by mental health professionals and teach people step by step about the condition which they may have. They also teach techniques and strategies to help increase the quality of life for folks. Some of the workbooks address topics such as depression and anxiety, and teach techniques such as cognitive-behavioral approaches (mind/feelings-actions), dialectal behavioral approaches (looking at extremes in emotions and thinking and trying to find acceptance and balance), mindfulness based approaches (combining feelings and thoughts in a harmonious way in order to act from a centered place and practicing non-judgment of self and others), among others. These strategies have been proven effective through research testing their effectiveness on people (we call this evidence-based practice). If one technique doesn't work for you, try another. There are so many to choose from. Most therapists would teach these techniques in therapy but you can learn them on your own for a fraction of the cost. Implementing them into your daily life takes work, practice, and time but it's worth the effort to try, as they have been shown effective in helping people to cope with their mental health struggles, decrease anxiety and depression, reduce stress, as well as improve the quality of their daily lives.
Another thing therapists
provide that is helpful is the time and space devoted solely to you and a time
to talk/vent and be listened to and validated. You can't find this in a book.
But you can find this in other people-- friends, family, co-workers, and
comrades alike. Find some trusted individuals who are willing to hear you out,
use reflective listening skills (repeat back what they heard you say so you
know you were heard), provide empathy (relating to a person based on common feelings
or experiences, feel "with" a you and put themselves in your shoes,
which goes beyond feeling sorry for you--sympathy), and validate (telling you
what you are feeling and thinking is real and true). Just by providing a sounding board
of unconditional support can make a world of difference for people.
I always recommend
the rule of threes. Find three reliable people you can go to in a crisis or
when something happens that brings you down. Tell your story and process it with
those three people, three different times. At the end, you will have released
and expressed those feelings and thoughts, most likely feel better, have come
up with some solutions to work through your issue and problem-solve, and be
ready to move forward with life.
Of course there is
one thing a therapist can provide others can't-- and that is education,
training, and experience in treating and healing major trauma and psychiatric
challenges. There really is no substitute for this. So if you need this, try
your best to get it. Oftentimes the expense paid to get this is worth the necessary
Another avenue to
increase mental health is using medication. There is much debate about the use
of psychotropic medication. As someone who has bipolar disorder, I know my
medication saves my life, both literal and quality-wise. Every individual has
to make their own choice whether to try medication and see if it helps. Not
everyone has to take medication long term, but some do. I have to take mine the
rest of my life, but I am glad there is something out there that profoundly helps
me. Yes, medications are often over-prescribed and developed by big pharmaceutical
companies, which are profit-motivated. Yes, doctors can sometimes be pushers
because they are getting kick-backs. That is why finding a good doctor to prescribe
the right medication for you is important. This would often be a psychiatrist,
who usually does not come cheap. If you can try to find a lower cost psychiatrist,
but if you can't a general practitioner can prescribe lots of the same
medications. The caution is they are not trained as well in psychiatric
conditions and would not be able to monitor you as well as a psychiatrist
Our mental health
system is far from perfect and is overburdened and too expensive for most
people. That is part of why we work as left radicals to change this system into
one that works for all people. Unfortunately, in the meantime we have to deal
with how things are now. Another thing to look at, that can often be a less
expensive way to help, is herbal remedies and Eastern/alternative medicine.
There are many helpful remedies out there worth looking into from vitamins, supplements,
teas, essential oils, to acupuncture, acupressure, bio-feedback etc. As well as
looking at changes in diet, sleep, and exercise.
Individuals also
need social support. If you're in a left radical organization develop internal
systems to provide this support. Some people think this is "touchy-feely
stuff" and they are a "serious" organization “above” that sort
of thing. That attitude is grave mistake. We are doing what we do to better all
humanity and we better be prepared to walk the talk right now and practice what
we preach in our everyday lives with fellow activists. This means we need to be
able to turn to each other in times of need. This prevents burnout and can be a
powerful source of intervention in times of crisis. We need to get more
involved in people's lives, pay more attention, and be willing to have,
sometimes uncomfortable, conversations with people. We need to focus most on
compassion, understanding, and empathy. But we must always remember that people
ultimately have their own self-determination and thus they alone get to make
decisions for their own lives. This may mean if a person is very disruptive to
the group and will not seek help, they may be asked to leave the group. This is
a hard and painful decision but people need to know there are consequences for
their actions and their choices. All we can do is provide support and encouragement
and hope that motivates people.
Another possible
strategy radical left organizations can implement is conflict-management,
non-violent communication, and peer counseling. If our organizations used these
techniques and taught these skills to all of their members they would be better
served by doing so. Learning how to communicate assertively and not passively,
passive-aggressively, or aggressively is very important for any individual or
organization. Our success is wrapped up in our ability to resolve conflicts and
reconcile differences.
We can help each other to survive and get through the day, and combined with all of the above I have described, an individual can begin to improve their functioning. The hope is recovery. 60% of all those with mental illness recover and we can increase that number by working as individuals and as groups towards increased mental health and well being. We need each other if we are to begin to strive and thrive.